G20 Finance Chiefs Agree Global Policy Responses to Crypto Are Required

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors have agreed that crypto regulation cannot be confined to one part of the world, said India’s finance minister. “Any action on crypto assets will have to be global,” she stressed, adding that the

Robert Kiyosaki Says ‘America Is Dying’ — Warns of Hyperinflation, Death of US Dollar

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki has issued a warning about the potential demise of the U.S. dollar and the looming threat of hyperinflation. He has expressed concern that the USD may lose its value andbecome toilet paper.” Weiter,…

Kraken’s Jesse Powell Takes Aim at Newly Launched Proof-of-Reserve Lists, POR Audit ‘Requires Cryptographic Proof’

Am Dienstag, amid the many conversations concerning crypto exchange proof-of-reserves, Kraken executive Jesse Powell shared a screenshot of coinmarketcap.com’s newly launched proof-of-reserves (POR) dashboard. Powell said he planned to be “more assertive with calling out problems,” and he stressed that a

Mexikos drittreichster Milliardär warnt vor schwerer Dollarinflation – sagt, Bitcoin kaufen, um „Ihre Haut zu retten“

The third-richest billionaire in Mexico, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, has shared his experience of living through hyperinflation. He warned that the U.S. and several other civilized countries aregoing exactly the same routehis country went through in the 1980s. Mexican Billionaire

Russische Regierung entwirft Roadmap zur Regulierung, Krypto nicht verbieten, Bericht enthüllt

A roadmap on cryptocurrencies has been prepared by a number of ministries, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies, Russian media reported. Das Dokument, which aims to regulate Russias crypto market by the end of this year, comes amid disagreements between the

Eine neue wissenschaftliche Arbeit beschreibt 3 Angriffsmethoden gegen eine Ethereum-PoS-Kette

Following the Altair upgrade on the Ethereum network, the protocols native cryptocurrency reached a new all-time price high. Altair is the next step for the Ethereums networks proof-of-stake (Schild) Überleitung. jedoch, a recently submitted white paper explains that a group of

Das NFT Magazine Project plant, eine Zeitschrift in Form eines NFT auf Ethereum zu veröffentlichen

Im November 2, ein nicht fungibles Token (NFT) Magazin kommt zur Ethereum Blockchain namens “Das NFT-Magazin” — eine periodische Veröffentlichung mit Artikeln und Abbildungen in Form eines NFT. Das Projekt, gefördert von Advtech IT Solutions, has partnered

US-Gesetzgeber sehen Chinas autoritäres Vorgehen gegen Krypto als große Chance

Several U.S. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, einschließlich Bitcoin, als “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency